
Submission deadlines

  • Symposium proposals (max. 500 words): March 14, 2021
  • Abstracts of single contributions to symposia (max. 250 words): March 14, 2021
  • Abstracts of talks or posters (max. 250 words): March 14, 2021

Symposium proposals:

  • will be reviewed by the Presidential Board
  • must include the title of the symposium, the name(s) of the convenor(s), a rationale, and the author names and titles of the single contributions to the symposium
  • must be submitted informally to the following address:

Abstracts of talks, posters and single contributions to symposia:

  • will be double-blind peer reviewed
  • must be structured in the following way: Background, Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusion
  • must be submitted to our conference management system:
    (Please sign-up to our conference management system and read the Submission Instructions before submitting)

Authors presenting at ICSC 2021 are welcome to submit full papers of their conference presentations to “Cognitive Processing – International Quarterly of Cognitive Science” ( The papers may be submitted at any time and will be published, if accepted, following standard peer-review

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