General Information

8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC 2021)

September 13-17, 2021

Cognition and Action in a Plurality of Spaces

In order to foster interdisciplinary discussion and spread new, innovative research on spatial cognition, space-related contributions from all sub-disciplines of cognitive science (cognitive psychology and neuropsychology, neuroscience, computational approaches, linguistics, philosophy of mind, etc.) will be considered. ICSC 2021 will be devoted (but not limited) to multidisciplinary researches on cognition and action concerning:
  • physical, virtual, and hybrid spaces
  • perceptual, imaginary, and conceptual spaces
  • unisensory and multisensory spaces
  • life-space and representations of space
  • spatial and non-spatial representations of space
  • bodily, peripersonal, and extrapersonal space
  • proximal and distal space
  • urban, rural, and natural spaces
  • terrestrial and extra-terrestrial spaces
  • subjective, intersubjective, and collective representations of space
  • egocentric and allocentric representations of space
  • culture-specific representations of space
  • space in music, art, and architecture
  • space in human-robot cooperation and human-robot interaction
  • temporal spaces and time-space relationships
Keynote Lecturers (accepted so far):
  • Annamaria Berti (University of Turin)
  • Olaf Blanke (EPFL, Lausanne)
  • Anjan Chatterjee (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Anthony Chemero (University of Cincinnati)
  • Toru Ishikawa (INIAD Toyo University)
  • Kate Jeffery (University College London)
  • Marko Nardini (Durham University)
  • Barry Smith (University of Buffalo)
  • Alexander Stahn (University of Pennsylvania)
Conference proceedings
The conference proceedings will be published in Cognitive Processing – International Quarterly of Cognitive Science (
Organizing Committee
Matteo Carpi, Salvatore Chiarella, Cristian Costanzo, Antonino Esposito, Skaiste Kerusauskaite, Maria Laura Mele, Roberta Meloni
Scientific Committee
Gladys Nyarko Ansah (Accra), Antonio Jesus Bandera Rubio (Malaga),  Yan Bao (Beijing), Anna Belardinelli (Offenbach), Paolo Belardinelli (Trento), Anna Borghi (Rome), Fabiano Botta (Paris), Riccardo Brunetti (Rome),  Matteo Candidi (Rome), Salvatore Chiarella (Rome), Alessandro D’Ausilio (Pavia), Franco Delogu (Detroit), Michel Denis (Paris), Fabrizio Doricchi (Rome), Antonino Esposito (Rome), Stefano Federici (Perugia), Martin H. Fischer (Potsdam), Ken Forbus (Evanston), Joanna Ganczarek (Kraków), Dedre Gentner (Evanston), Sergei Gepshtein (Los Angeles), Klaus Gramann (Berlin), Stephen Hirtle (Pittsburgh), Tina Iachini (Naples), Alexander Klippel (State College), Stefano Lasaponara (Rome), Daniele Nardi (Charleston), Davide Nardo (Cambridge), Nora Newcombe (Philadelphia),  Massimiliano Palmiero (Bergamo), Tina Pastorelli (Rome), Francesca Pazzaglia (Padua), Ernst Pöppel (Munich), Albert Postma (Utrecht), Anne Reboul (Lyon), Valerio Santangelo (Perugia), Marcia Scherer (Syracuse), Annika Schlitte (Greifswald), Luca Simione (Rome), Barbara Tversky (Stanford), David Uttal (Evanston), Cees van Leeuwen (Leuven).
Presidential Board
Tiziana Catarci, Fabrizio Doricchi, Thomas Hünefeldt, Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Antonino Raffone

European Academy of Sciences and Arts

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