Previous editions of ICSC

The history of the first 6 editions of the International Conference on Spatial Cognition (2000-2015), presented by Marta Olivetti Belardinelli

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The ICSC series

ICSC 2000: Scientific Research and Applications (December 14-16, 2000)
Keynotes: Michel Denis, Hanspeter A. Mallot, Jonathan R. Wolpaw

ICSC 2003: Space and Disability (November 24-26, 2003)
Keynotes: Jerome Bickenback, Luigi Pizzamiglio, Alan Roulstone, Marcia Scherer

ICSC 2006: Dynamics in Spatial Interactions (September 12-15, 2006)
Keynotes: Paolo Calabresi, Albert Postma, Charles Spence, Cees van Leeuwen

ICSC 2009: Spatial Cognition and Action (September 14-19, 2009)
Keynotes: Christian Freksa, Juan Lupiáñez, Tom Ormerod, Barbara Tversky

ICSC 2012: Space and Embodied Cognition (September 4-8, 2012)
Keynotes: Alain Berthoz, Mark Ernst, Luciano Fadiga, Karl Friston, Michael Spivey

ICSC 2015: Space and Situated Cognition (September 7-11, 2015)
Keynotes: Yan Bao, William J. Clancey, Shaun Gallagher, Vittorio Gallese, Sergei Gepshtein, Susan Goldwin-Meadow, Kevin O’Regan

ICSC 2018: Spatial Cognition in a Multimedia and Intercultural World (September 10-14, 2018)
Keynotes: Marisa Carrasco, Michael Corballis, Pierre Dasen, Alan Dix, Christoph Hölscher, Robert K. Logan, Ernst Pöppel, John K. Tsotsos

ICSC 2021: Cognition and Action in a Plurality of Spaces (September 13-17, 2021)
Keynotes: Annamaria Berti, Olaf Blanke, Anjan Chatterjee, Antony Chemero, Toru Ishikawa, Kate Jeffery, Marko Nardini, Barry Smith, Alexander Stahn


ICSC 2024: Segmentation and Binding in Spatial Cognition (September 9-13, 2024)
Keynotes: Sara Irina Fabrikant, Federico Faggin, Jerome Feldman, Zaifeng Gao, Tina Iachini, Barbara Landau, Steven J. Luck, Mohan Matten, Michael Posner, Christoph von der Malsburg, Johan Wagemans

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