Social dinner

In 2024 the legendary ICSC social dinner will take place on Thursday September 12, 8:00 p.m., at the “Hostaria Antica Roma“, located on the ancient Appian Way in  front of the famous Caecilia Metella monument, in via Appia Antica 176. The menu will be based on the ancient cookbook by Marcus Gavius Apicius (1 sec. CE): “A Dinner with Apicius“.
Price, including beverages (water, wine, mineral water, coffee): € 65/person, to be settled in cash at the registration desk. Prior reservation is required (deadline: September 10). For reservation, please complete the reservation form at or contact, indicating the number of reservations and (in case) the number of preferences for a vegetarian dinner.

How to get there? By taxi or bus. The restaurant is at 500 meters from the bus stop “Basilica San Sebastiano”, served by bus line 118 (stops at Colosseo and Circo Massimo).

ICSC 2024 Social Dinner
September 12, 8:00 p.m., “Hostaria Antica Roma”, Via Appia Antica 176, Rome
A Dinner with Apicius with explanations and anecdotes in English on the recipes based on the 1 sec. CE cookbook by Marcus Gavius Apicius
Libum di Catone
Bread prepared with ricotta cheese and flour
paté of olives
Prosciutto in crosta
Ham in crust of bread and honey
Cacio di Columella
Fresh cheese with herbs of Columella
Pecorino cheese, garlic, coriander, and celery
Patina cotidiana
Ancestor of the lasagna, with beef, fennel and cheese
(delicious, without tomato sauce: at that time, we didn’t have tomatoes in Rome)
Pollo oxizomum
Chicken prepared with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and garum (fish sauce)
(delicious, not fishy)
Ancestor of the flan: prepared with milk, eggs and honey, covered with black pepper
Wine, mineral water, coffee 

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