ICSC 2006 - Call For Papers
Types of contributions
Contributions are invited for symposia, oral papers, poster and demonstrations.
- Oral Papers
- Symposia
- Posters
- Demonstrations
All submissions for spoken papers, posters, symposia, and demonstrations must be sent by filling in the appropriate online form. Abstracts should not exceed 500 words and should be structured according to the scheme described below. Authors should indicate on the submission form one or more topic areas under which the paper might be grouped, and three keywords. The chosen topic areas can be selected from the list above or a new topic area may be proposed. An extended abstract with the same structure of the brief one may be sent after acceptance notification for inclusion in the CD-ROM Proceedings that will be available for the conference. Paper submissions are required for researchers who wish to submit a more detailed document for review, and could be eligible to publication as a full paper in Cognitive Processing (Springer).
Oral Papers Download Abstract Form
Oral papers will be allocated 20 minutes, consisting of 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions & discussion.
Empirical papers headings should include:
Theoretical/review papers are also accepted, and the headings should include:
Main Contribution
Empirical papers headings should include:
Theoretical/review papers are also accepted, and the headings should include:
Main Contribution
Symposia (Download Symposium Form File)
Symposia will consist of a set of integrated spoken papers related to a theme.
The total time allowed for a symposium will be 90 to 120 minutes, consisting of four to six 20-minute papers and a discussion (although variations will be considered).
Symposium convenors are asked to coordinate submission of papers - including an abstract for the entire symposium -
stating the rationale for the topic, the aims of the symposium, and the set of speakers.
Symposium organizers should fill in the online form
(Download Symposium Form File) that would be available on the Conference website, which includes: a) a 500 word general description of the organized session with its purpose, and motivation;
b) authors and title of each contribution; c) name of a discussant that, if necessary, can be included in the symposium.
Symposium papers will be normally submitted on-line by the authors, indicating the name of the Symposium organizer, and will be reviewed by care of the Scientific Committee.
Posters Download Abstract Form
Poster presentations will appear in the Proceedings and will be assigned to designated times in the conference schedule. Specific information about the dimensions of the panel slot and other requirements will be communicated to authors of accepted poster presentations in the acceptance letter. The heading structure for posters would be the same to that for the spoken papers:
Empirical papers headings should include:
Theoretical/review papers are also accepted, and the headings should include:
Main Contribution
Empirical papers headings should include:
Theoretical/review papers are also accepted, and the headings should include:
Main Contribution
Demonstrations’ submission should include a short description of both background and aims and of the equipment and facilities required. Information on demonstrations will appear in the Proceedings. For demonstrations of methods, software or equipment, authors will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary equipment is available. The time for a demonstration session will be approx. 30 minutes.
For demonstrations, the headings should include:
Description of the activities
Implications & Specific value and meaning
For demonstrations, the headings should include:
Description of the activities
Implications & Specific value and meaning
Please notice that:
- Acceptance is conditioned to the registration of at least one author;
- Each registration is valid for only one submission;
- Each author beside the first one will benefit of a 30% OFF/DISCOUNT on the registration fee;
Acceptance of Abstracts
The deadline for submission is March 15, 2006 *.A specific form (AbstractForm.rtf) is available on this page, so you will be able to send it by e-mail to the address: submission@icsc2006.org. Notification of acceptance of proposed abstracts, will be issued by APRIL 20, 2006.
Along with any recommendations in respect of the content, please note that final acceptance of posters and papers is subject to the registration of at least one author.
Final abstracts awarding to referee’s suggestion must be received by MAY 20, 2006.
The deadline for extended abstract submission is May 30, 2006.
* Cognitive Processing subscribers may send their abstracts until the deadline presented in the journal, following the described procedure.
Acceptance of Symposia
The deadline for submission is March 15, 2006.Notification of acceptance, and the list of the oral papers composing each symposia will be issued by APRIL 20, 2006.