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Synaptic plasticity in the basal ganglia as a cellular model for spatial cognition and neurological disorders
Paolo Calabresi
Dept. of Neurology, University of Perugia, Italy -
Finding your way in the world – on the neurocognitive basis of spatial
memory and orientation in humans
Albert Postma
Psychological Laboratory, Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands -
Assessing the automaticity of intramodal and crossmodal spatial attentional orienting
Charles Spence
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK -
We see the world the way we do because of how our brain activity moves
Cees Van Leeuwen
Laboratory for Perceptual Dynamics, BSI RIKEN, Japan
Towards a decisional system for the seismic risk management
Nadia Abdat, Alimazighi Zaia
Laboratoire LSI - Département Informatique, Faculté Génie Electronique et Informatique, Algiers -
Plasticity of spatial learning strategies in the common cuttlefish
Christelle Alves, J. Modéran, R. Chichery, L. Dickel
Laboratoire de Physiologie du Comportement des Céphalopodes, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France -
Spontaneous geographical maps of Europe by Italian school children
Merete Amann Gainotti, Susanna Pallini
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione, Università di Roma Tre, Italy -
Schematic maps in MobileGIS environments: An automated simulated annealing based case study
Suchith Anand, J. Mark Ware, Sarah Sharples, Mike Jackson, Jim Nixon
Center for Geospatial Science, University of Nottingham, UK -
What kind of space is remembered in spatial span?
Steve Avons, Laura Trew
Department of Psychology, University of Essex, UK -
The effects of sensorimotor cues on spatial reasoning performance
Marios N. Avraamides
University of Cyprus -
A biologically plausible robot attention model, based on space and time.
Anna Belardinelli, Fiora Pirri
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" -
The dynamic of variability as a way for studying the consolidation process
B. Berberian, M. D. Giraudo
UMR Mouvement and Perception -
Tactile maps in architecture: universal design and participation in the design process
Núbia Bernardi, Doris C. C. K. Kowaltowski
Department of Architecture and Building, School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design, UNICAMP, Brazil -
Object and Spatial Imagery: Distinctions between Members of Different Professions
Olessia Blajenkova, Maria Kozhevnikov, Michael A. Motes
Rutgers University, USA -
Navigation in the absence of vision: How to find one's way in a 3D audio virtual environment?
Alan Blum, Michel Denis, Brian Katz
LIMSI-CNRS, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France -
Assistive technologies in spatial environments
Cathy Bodine
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Colorado, USA -
Configural Representations in Spatial Working Memory
Aysecan Boduroglu, Priti Shah
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey -
How do emotion and gaze direction interfere with overt orienting of visual attention?
Paola Bonifacci, Paola Ricciardelli, Luisa Lugli, Francesca Chitti, Roberto Nicoletti
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Bologna, Italy -
Human brain activation elicited by the localization of sounds delivering at attended or unattended positions: an fMRI/ MEG study
Marcella Brunetti, Paolo Belardinelli, Cosimo Del Gratta, Vittorio Pizzella, Stefania Della Penna, Antonio Ferretti, Massimo Caulo, F. Cianflone, Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Gian Luca Romani
Institute for Advanced Biomedical Technologies, “G. d’ Annunzio University “ Foundation, Chieti, Italy -
Perceptual exploration and intersensory merging in a visual-haptic Necker cube
Nicola Bruno
Università di Trieste, Italy -
The perception of categorical and coordinate spatial changes in children.
Jessie Bullens, Albert Postma
Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands -
Wayfinding tasks in visually impaired people: the role of tactile maps
P. Caddeo, F. Fornara, Anna M. Nenci, A. Piroddi
University of Rome "La Sapienza" -
A Framework for Assessing the Salience of Landmarks for Wayfinding Tasks
David Caduff, Sabine Timpf
University of Zurich, Switzerland -
The influence of expertise level on visuo-spatial ability: Differences between experts and novices on imagery and drawing abilities
Lucia Calabrese, Francesco S. Marucci
Department of Psychology, University of Rome "La Sapienza" -
The same-object effect outside the objects
Paola Cappucci, Alessandro Couyoumdjian, Enrico Di Pace
Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy -
Chicks’ use of geometrical and nongeometrical information in environments of different sizes
Cinzia Chiandetti, Giorgio Vallortigara
Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy -
The development of visually guided locomotor planning
Dorothy Cowie, Liam Smith, Oliver Braddick, Janette Atkinson, Marko Nardini
Dept of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, UK -
A computational model simulating human performance in the Traveling Salesperson Task
Simone Cutini, Demis Basso, Andrea Di Ferdinando, Marco Zorzi, Patrizia S. Bisiacchi
Department of General Psychology, University of Padua, Italy -
Dysfunctions of Spatial Cognition: The Case of Schizophrenic Patients.
Marie-Paule Daniel, Célia Mores, Luc Carite, Patrice Boyer , Michel Denis
LIMSI-CNRS, Université de Paris-Sud, Orsay, France -
Individual variation in humans in spatial ability: differences between men and women
Maartje de Goede, Albert Postma, Roy P. C. Kessels
Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands -
The representation of objects and location in conceptual networks
P. H. de Vries
Department of Psychology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands -
Interactive Sonification for blind people exploration of Geo-referenced Data:
Comparison between a keyboard-exploration and a haptic-exploration interfaces
Franco Delogu, Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Massimiliano Palmiero, Emanuele Pasqualotto, Haixia Zhao, Catherine Plaisant, Stefano Federici
Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” -
Forming a stable spatial representation
Banchiamlack Dessalegn, Barbara Landau
Cognitive Science Department, Johns Hopkins University -
Spatial Representations in Human Factors / Ergonomics Research
Francesco Di Nocera
Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” -
Visuo-spatial pseudohemineglect in professional sportsmen
Andrei Dumbrava, Mona Karina Tatu
"Alexandru I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania -
Induction of lateralized spatial bias among normal subjects
Eve Dupierrix, David Alleysson, Sylvie Chokron, Théophile Ohlmann
Laboratoire of Psychology & NeuroCogntion (LPNC), France -
Challenging the importance of vision for the development of an extrinsic spatial framework: Evidence from the blind & sighted
Alison F. Eardley, Geoffrey Edwards, Francine Malouin, Pierre-Emmanuel Michon
Université Laval, Canada -
Assistive Navigational Devices that Incorporate Principles of Spatial Cognition and Imagery.
Geoffrey Edwards, Alison F. Eardley, F. Malouin, Marlène Viger, Reda Yaagoubi, David Lambiel
Université Laval, Canada -
Cross language learning disabilities and verbal versus spatial memory
John Everatt, Sharman Jeffries, Gad Elbeheri, Ian Smythe, Kazuvire Veii
University of Surrey, Kuwaiti Dyslexia Association, University of Namibia -
Shifting attention across spaces while driving: are hands-free mobile phones really safer?
Sabrina Fagioli, Fabio Ferlazzo
Cognitive Ergonomics Laboratory, Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy -
Walking participants through a virtual model: how we got there and its implications
Carlos Galan-Diaz, Stephen Scott, Anna Conniff, Tony Craig, Richard Laing
The Robert Gordon University -
Vision-for-perception and vision-for-action in typical development, autism, and Parkinson's disease
Lorena Giovannini, Alessia Granà, Alessandra Jacomuzzi, Roberta Marando, Carlo Semenza, Luca Surian, Nicola Bruno
Psychology Department, University of Trieste, Italy -
The role of stimulus' instability in the reproduction of visuospatial pattern
M. D. Giraudo, B. Berberian
UMR Mouvement and Perception -
What happens when the brain fails - neuropsychological studies on spatial memory.
Cecilia Guariglia, Laura Piccardi, Giuseppe Iaria, Chiara Incoccia, Daniele Nico
Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy -
Construction of a spatial mental model from a verbal description or from navigation in a virtual environment.
Valérie Gyselinck, Luciana Picucci, Serge Nicolas, Pascale Piolino
University R. Descartes, C.N.R.S., Paris, France -
Spatial cognition and wayfinding strategy during building fire
L. Hajibabai, M. R. Delavar, M. R. Malek, A. U. Frank
Center of Excellence in Geomatics Engineering and Disaster Management, Dept. of Surveying and Geomatics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, University of Tehran, Iran -
A Mindset for User-Centered Spatial Applications
Matthew Hockenberry, J. Hoff, Rob Gens, Ted Selker
MIT Media Laboratory -
Understanding the Dynamics of Direction Giving and Following During Navigation
Alycia M. Hund, Brian D. Seanor, Kimberly M. Hopkins
Department of Psychology, Illinois State University, USA -
Egocentric and allocentric spatial frames of reference: a direct measure
Tina Iachini, Gennaro Ruggiero
Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Italy -
How does the human brain deal with spatial information?
Kinga Iglói, Mohamed Zaoui, Alain Berthoz, Laure Rondi-Reig
LPPA, UMR CNRS 7152, Collège de France, Paris, France -
An overview of spatial auditory displays
Nandini Iyer, Brian Simpson, Douglas Brungart
Air Force Research Laboratory, USA -
Perceiving occlusion through auditory-visual substitution
Alessandra Jacomuzzi, Nicola Bruno
Department of Psychology, University of Trieste, Italy -
Geographic Event Conceptualization
Alexander Klippel, Mike Worboys, Matt Duckham
Geomatics Department, University of Melbourne, Australia -
The effect of a reference object's orientation on the apprehension of spatial terms
Takatsugu Kojima, Takashi Kusumi
Department of Cognitive Psychology in Education, Graduate school of Education, Kyoto University, Japan -
Image Representation, Scaling and Cognitive Model of Object Perception
Sandeep Kumar Ganji, Indu Potula, Venkata Naga Pradeep Ambati, Bujang Rao, Sandhya Kumari Ganji, Shwetha Kumari Ganji
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania University -
Promoting Successful Indoor Traveling in Persons with Multiple Disabilities through the Use of Electronic Orientation Systems
Giulio Lancioni
University of Bari, Italy -
Forgetting rate of topographical memory in a virtual environment
Luca Latini Corazzini, Patrick Peruch, Giuliano Geminiani, Catherine Thinus-Blanc,
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Torino, Italy -
Neural bases of route-survey processing in topographical memory
Luca Latini Corazzini, Patrick Peruch, Marie-Pascale Nesa, Catherine Thinus-Blanc
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Torino, Italy -
ERP correlates of working memory for sound and picture locations
Günther Lehnert, Hubert D. Zimmer
Brain & Cognition Unit, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany -
Abnormal auditory-visual crossmodal temporal-order judgments in Parkinson´s disease
J. Lewald, M. Falkenstein, M. Schwarz
Institute for Occupational Physiology, University of Dortmund, Germany -
Spatial Cognition as a Tool for the Design of Mediated Spaces
Marianthi Liapi -
Improving spatial awareness in the aircraft cockpit: Partially supporting evidence for the concept of scene-linking
Bernd Lorenz, Anthea Kuritz-Kaiser, Sven Schmerwitz, Helmut Többen
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Flight Guidance, Braunschweig, Germany -
Spatial strategies in real and virtual environments
Tamas Makany, Itiel E. Dror, Edward Redhead
School of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK -
Evolution of spatial cognition: mechanisms and tasks
Hanspeter A. Mallot, Kai Basten, Alexander Schnee
Dept of Zoology, University of Tubingen, Germany -
Spatial knowledge acquisition: Using technology, training, and techniques to enhance spatial learning for two special populations
James R. Marston
Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara, USA -
Does spatial interference affect spatial text processing in individuals with high mental rotation ability?
Chiara Meneghetti, Rossana De Beni, Francesca Pazzaglia, Valérie Gyselinck
Department of General Psychology, Universita` di Padova, Italy -
CADMUS: Use of affordances in cognitive modeling for wayfinding
Pierre-Emmanuel Michon, David Duguay, Geoffrey Edwards
Centre de Recherche en Géomatique, Pavillon Louis Jacques Casault, Université Laval, Canada -
Aesthetic, perception and preference for historical and modern buildings
Marina Mura, Renato Troffa
University of Cagliari, Italy -
The development of body, environment, and object-based frames of reference in spatial memory in normal and atypical populations
Marko Nardini, Janette Atkinson, Oliver Braddick, Neil Burgess
Dept of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, UK -
Space syntax in a wayfinding task
Anna M. Nenci, Renato Troffa
LUMSA University, Italy -
Visuo-spatial ability and wayfinding performance in real-world
Raffaella Nori, Sonia Grandicelli, Fiorella Giusberti
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Bologna, Italy -
Cognitive stances in urban mobility: a simulation experiment
Sylvie Occelli, Luca Staricco
IRES- Istituto di Ricerche Economico Sociali del Piemonte, Torino, Italy -
Elucidating the ground-based mechanisms underlying space perception in the intermediate distance range
Teng Leng Ooi, Zijiang J. He
Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Elkins Park, PA, USA -
Cognitive maps of Lisbon: how new SIG based codification methods can make a difference
José Palma-Oliveira, Paulo Pires
FPCE, University of Lisbon, Portugal -
Spatial cognition in Parkinson's dsease and neurodegenerative dementias
Lucilla Parnetti, Paolo Calabresi
Clinica Neurologica, Università di Perugia, Italy -
Spatial mental models derived from the integration of information from different perspectives.
Francesca Pazzaglia, Holly A. Taylor, Diego Varotto
University of Padua -
Rehearsal processes in visuo-spatial working memory
David G. Pearson
School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen, UK -
Psychosis in drawings
Maurizio Peciccia
University of Perugia -
Two cues are not better than one' the integration of geometric and featural information in the reoriental paradigm.
Luciana Picucci, Andrea Bosco
University of Bari, Italy -
Haptic spatial orientation processing and working memory
Albert Postma, Sander ZuidhoekAstrid M. L. KappersMatthijs L. Noordzij
Department of Experimental Psychology, Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands -
Finding your way in the world – on the neurocognitive basis of spatial
memory and orientation in humans
Albert Postma
Psychological Laboratory, Helmholtz Institute, Utrecht University, The Netherlands -
Location-based selection for storage in visuo-spatial working memory
Antonino Raffone, Jose L. Herrero, Andrey Nikolaev, Ros Crawley, Cees van Leeuwen
Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy -
Functional dissociation in working memory maintenance of voice identity and location
Pia Rämä
University of Helsinki, Finland -
Recent trends in the research on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory
Clelia Rossi-Arnaud
University of Rome, Italy -
A functional ontology for working memory for sign and speech
Mary Rudner , Jerker Rönnberg
Swedish Institute for Disability Research, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Linköping University -
Relationship among personal space, body image, postural balance regulation and proprioceptive integration areas
Vezio Ruggieri, Marina Thellung, Anna Tocci
Università "La Sapienza", Roma, Italy -
The effect of familiarity on egocentred and allocentred spatial representations of the environment
Gennaro Ruggiero , Tina Iachini
Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Italy -
On the Influence of Audio-Visual Interactions on Working Memory Performance: A study with Non-Semantic Stimuli
Valerio Santangelo, Serena Mastroberardino, Fabiano Botta, Francesco S. Marucci, Marta Olivetti Belardinelli
Department of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” -
The cognition of geographic space and cognitive mapping in disabled persons
Marcia Scherer
Institute for Matching Person & Technology, USA -
Selecting the most appropriate technology: The need to assess the match of person and device
Marcia Scherer
Institute for Matching Person & Technology, USA -
Hybrid architecture for the sensorimotor representation of spatial configurations
Kerstin Schill, Christoph Zetzsche, Johannes Wolter
Cognitive Neuroinformatics, Universität Bremen, Germany -
An fMRI study of the binding of audio-visual information: The dissociation between object and space processing
Carlo Sestieri, Rosalia Di Matteo, Antonio Ferretti, Cosimo Del Gratta, Massimo Caulo, A. Tartaro, Marta Olivetti Belardinelli, Gian Luca Romani
Department of Clinical Sciences and Bio-Imaging, “G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti, Italy -
Developmental components of large-scale search: evidence from children and individuals with partial genetic deletions
Alastair D. Smith, Ian D. Gilchrist, Bruce M. Hood, Annette Karmiloff-Smith
University of Bristol, UK -
Active processing in visual and visuospatial working memory
Boris Suchan
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Neuropsychology, Ruhr University of Bochum, Germany -
Influence of acquiring reading and writing on visuo-spatial pseudohemineglect
Mona Karina Tatu, Andrei Dumbrava
"Alexandru I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania -
Empirical indices of spatial and executive processes in visuo-spatial working memory
J. M. Thompson, C. J. Hamilton, J M Gray, J. G. Quinn, P. Mackin, I. N. Ferrier, A. H. Young
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK -
Body Organisation and Spatial Representation
Jader Tolja, Clara Cardia
Centro Studi Pensare col Corpo, Italy -
The "misprojection" hypothesis
Alessio Toraldo
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Pavia, Italy -
Describing Locations in English and Japanese after Real-World
Steven Tripp
University of Aizu, Japan -
Action Learning: Hierarchical Organization and Perspective.
Barbara Tversky, S. Lozano, B. Hard
Columbia Teachers College, USA -
Assistive navigational devices that incorporate principles of spatial cognition and imagery
Barbara Tversky, Geoffrey Edwards
Columbia Teachers College, USA -
ERP effects of movement preparation on visual processing: attention shifts to the hand, not the goal.
José van Velzen, Elena Gherri, Martin Eimer
Dept. of Psychology, Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, UK -
Individual differences in visuo-spatial imagery:
Further evidence for the distinction between Object and Spatial Imagers
Manila Vannucci, Lavinia Cioli, Carlo Chiorri, Amanda Grazi, Maria Kozhevnikov
Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Italy -
Gaze and postural stability of elite ballet dancers, ACL-deficient and normal controls during the quiet stance and lunge
Joan N. Vickers
Neuro-Motor Psychology Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada -
Gaze of Olympic speedkaters skating at full speed on a regulation oval: Perception-action coupling in a dynamic performance environment
Joan N. Vickers
Neuro-Motor Psychology Laboratory, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada -
Processing of Binaural Sound Coherence in the Human Brain
Ulrike Zimmer, Macaluso Emiliano
NeuroImaging Laboratory, IRCCS-Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma, Italy -
Spatial working memory in different senses
Hubert Zimmer
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany -
Aspects of complexity in visual-spatial working memory – indication for the application of strategies?
Christof Zoelch, Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt